I believe that the legacy of certain types of Christianity which emphasise the sinfulness and depravity of man is more of a curse than a blessing to usKenneth Kaunda
I am deeply concerned that this high valuation of Man and respect for human dignity which is a legacy of our tradition…Kenneth Kaunda
Education constitutes a qualitative step toward emancipation. It is an obvious fact that wherever women have had access to education, their march to equality has been acceleratedThomas Sankara
Conceiving a development project without women’s participation is like using only four fingers when we have ten. It is an invitation to failureThomas Sankara
The struggle against apartheid is not only the struggle of black people; it is the fight of all the peoples who want to live free and unitedThomas Sankara
Running water, three meals a day, a clinic, a school, and a simple plow are still elements of an ideal in life that millions of people in my country have not yet achievedThomas Sankara
Emancipation, like freedom, is not granted but conquered. It is for women themselves to put forward their demands and mobilize to win them.Thomas Sankara