With the priests securely installed as the only authorised popularisers of the divine will, the only persons fitted by calling…
Browsing: African Values & Philosophy
Fear created the gods, and fear preserves them: fear in bygone ages of wars, pestilences, earthquakes and nature gone berserk,…
Religion is an instrument of bourgeois social reaction. But its social use is not always confined to colonialists and imperialists.…
We are saying that our enemy has no colour, no race, no country. Nor does our friend. We do not…
The missionaries to our country taught us that disobedience to the government and the settler was a sin, that we…
The colonialists, in order to give a better camouflage to their domination and to prevent the masses understanding and resisting…
Ethnicity is one of the major strategies that politicians have used to divide Africans.
As Christianity became embedded in Africa, so did the idea that it was the afterlife that was the proper focus…
The worst bane of African nondevelopment is chronic dependence on the deity to solve all earthly problems. Give everybody education…
Nigerian society, I am inclined to say all African societies, is so steeped in religious effervescence that most people cannot…