The weight of the centuries-old traditions of our society has relegated women to the rank of beasts of burden…Thomas Sankara
You do not make a revolution simply to take the place of the former rulers you have overthrownThomas Sankara
The peasants are expropriated, robbed, molested, imprisoned, ridiculed, and humiliated every day, yet they are the ones whose labour creates wealthThomas Sankara
“… like the marabouts, even more so than the marabouts, the missionaries were iconoclasts, destroyers of values…Leopold Senghor
Contrary to the notion of numerous African politicians, culture is not an appendage that can be lopped off without damageLeopold Senghor
There can be no freedom in the total alienation that results from colonialism; there can be no freedom if one’s original being is stifled; there can be no independence in dependence.Leopold Senghor
Illness, ignorance, poverty – such is our lot, such the condition from which we must rescue our peopleLeopold Senghor