The colonialists, in order to give a better camouflage to their domination and to prevent the masses understanding and resisting their wretched situation, encouraged superstitionSamora Machel
We say our aim is to win complete independence, establish people’s power, build a new society without exploitation, for the benefit of all those who identify as MozambicansSamora Michel
Do not be afraid of speaking out when you know that you are in the right. Fear has never been a source of security. Speak out and stand up while you canWangari Maathi
As Christianity became embedded in Africa, so did the idea that it was the afterlife that was the proper focus of a devotee, rather than this oneWangari Maathi
One of the major tragedies of post-colonial Africa is that the African peoples have trusted their leaders, but only a few of those leaders have honoured that trustWangari Maathi
Africa cannot continue to blame her failed institutions, collapsed infrastructure, unemployment, drug abuse, and refugee crises on colonialismWangari Maathai