We stand for democracy now as we did eleven years ago; with our new one-party constitution we are trying to make this a practical reality for every one of our citizens…Julius Nyerere
People can accept the equality of man because they believe that all men were created by God, they can believe it because they feel that the scientific evidence supports such a conclusion, or they can accept it simply because they believe it is the only basis on which life in society can be organised without injustice…Julius Nyerere
Science itself is, strictly, not so much a body of hardened knowledge as an organised and co-operative effort to carry on enquiry by a certain method…Kwasi Wiredu
It is difficult to think that men could imprison or even kill their fellow men for doctrinal differences with a free conscience if they understood clearly that, in doing so, they were acting simply on their own fallible opinionsKwasi Wiredu
A rational man is (in the ideal) one who apportions his belief to the evidence and orders his conduct according to warranted beliefKwasi Wiredu
If a man is able clearly to understand that his political or religious creed is merely a matter of his own personal opinion and not the result of a revelation of any ‘Objective’, Immutable Truth, he might then hesitate to consign a fellow man to perdition simply for being unable to conformKwasi Wiredu
I take it as a presupposition of any rational discussion that no one person or group of persons has exclusive possession of the truthKwasi Wiredu
The ideal way to reform backward customs in Africa must, surely, be to undermine their foundations in superstition by fostering in the people – at all events, in the new generation of educated Africans – the spirit of rational enquiry…Kwasi Wiredu
To develop in any serious sense, we in Africa must break with our old uncritical habits of thought; that is to say, we must advance past the stage of traditional thinkingKwasi Wiredu